
Showing posts from November, 2020

Graphic Interpretation

  Hi everyone, now you are reading about graphic interpretation.  Graphic interpretation are divided into 5 different type.  ❀ Banner Banner is a long strip of cloth or canvas bearing advertisement or information design, it's usually hung in a public place for spreading information. Banner usually printed in landscape. Standard size for banner is 6 feet x 3 feet. Example of Banner ❀ Bunting Just like banner but bunting obviously in different size which is bunting are usually printed in portrait. Standard size for bunting is 2 feet x 6 feet. Example of Bunting ❀ Brochure A brochure is an informative paper document that can be folded into a template, pamphlet or leaflet. Brochures are promotional documents, primarily used to introduce a company, organization, products or services and inform prospective customers. Example of Brochure ❀ Poster A poster is a temporary promotion of an idea, product or event put up in a public space for mass consumption. Typically, posters include both t

Colour & Composition Elements in Visual Design

Hi there, today I want to share with you about colour & composition elements in visual design.  Studying topic about colour is quite important in life, especially if your are editing photo, creating poster or even choosing colour for your home decor.  While, composition is important because it shapes the viewer's experience of the artwork. Composition is a big part of what makes a piece eye-catching and dynamic, or calm and soothing, or disorienting and off-kilter.

Trip to Teluk Cempedak Part 1

Today I want to tell you about our task that we have done as visitor subject requirement for Diploma of Tourism Management semester 4. This project is our group assignment that required us to make a video briefing about Teluk Cempedak, Kuantan, Pahang.   ►  This assignment required us to: 1)      We have to h ost a video which is:               a.     Each group member will be act as host in promoting tourism attraction based on   option given in                                   requirement number 3.   2)     We also have to e nhance our video by using elements and transition that can add  attraction to  our video. 3)     Our video must related to these options of  location or topic. I have  highlighted our chosen topic.                a.  Recreational sites in Kuantan                b. Natural sites in Kuantan                c. Historical sites in Kuantan                d. Traditional and Viral Food in Kuantan                e. Handcraft and Traditional Cloth

Trip to Teluk Cempedak Part 2

Hi everyone, do you still remember my promise? Yes I'm here now and I'll fulfill my promise by continuing my story about our trip to Teluk Cempedak Kuantan, Pahang. ►  Storyboard We also refer to our animated storyboard that we have created. The storyboard function is to tell about our video recording plan and at the same time we can plan our trip to make sure the progress goes smoothly.

Developing Blog

Assalamualaikum and hello there, today I want to share with you about How To Develop Your Blog .   As we know it is very important for any blogger to  Design The Blog   to ensure the audients will comfortable to spend their time on reading your interesting blog.  Besides, you also need to  Identifying The Best Theme  for your blog that can ease you to re-edit your blog in next time and also it can make you blog seems great.  In order build a blog, we must build an audients-friendly blog by   Organizing The Content . It can ease the audients to browse in your blog .  Last but not least, without  Sharing Your Blog , it will be hard for you get a bunch of followers and just several person knows about  your blog existence . In short, networking is very important in order to make your blog fame. Let's Start The Journey !!

Third Activities at Pulau Tioman

Lastly, we distribute survey forms to the tourists in Pulau Tioman. This survey is about tourists' satisfaction  level  that travel in Pulau Tioman. Distribute Survey Forms These were some of our survey's respondent, these photos were taken while we distributing our survey form at a village a-stone-throw from our resort. The village name is Kampung Tekek. Our target is of course tourists that travelling in Pulau Tioman especially Kampung Tekek. Thank you for reading <3

Second Activities at Pulau Tioman

Our second activity is S norkeling. Snorkeling is an activity that we swim by the coast using a snorkel and a pair of goggle. Here we snorkeling in 3 places which is Pulau Tiong, Pulau Renggis and Pulau Tomok. This is a picture that I have taken while onboard on the way to snorkeling points. We use a boat to reach the snorkeling points because marine life in those points are more attractive then marine life that live by the seashore.

First Activities at Pulau Tioman

Our first activity is Community Service Responsible or CSR.  We carried on this activity at Rumah Hijau Genting.  We  peel the stickers from the bottles We were divided into 2 group, which is first group were assigned peel the branding stickers from used bottles. Those bottles were the from former tourists that visit Kampung Genting and have been collected and gathered by resort management. This activity intended to reuse these bottles to be made as ornament at Rumah Hijau Genting compound. Painting Rumah Hijau Genting While, the second group were assigned to paint the wall of Rumah Hijau Genting. As we know, painting will make a building or premises to seems more cheerful. But did you know? Painting will helps to keep the building safe from weather damage, insects and dust.

Interpretive Techniques at Tioman Island

INTERPRETIVE TECHNIQUES  Interpretive techniques is a an a ppropriate techniques that can assists audients through communication t o make their own intellectual and emotional connections to resource meanings.  1.  Demonstration -  proving or making clear by showing evidence, illustration or example.    Miss Syuib is a tour guide at this place. She told us about how to wear BA which is an acronym for Buoyancy Aids or life jacket for our safety when carrying out activity that involved water and activity that  have possibility of drowning risk . 2. Activity   - a n educational procedure designed to stimulate learning by firsthand experience. These picture were taken when we were doing Community Service Responsible (CSR) activity. In Kampung Genting Pulau Tioman.  These  activities can provide teamwork and can strengthen the relationship among us and also between students of Politeknik Metro Kuantan, lecturers and resort management. 3. Prop -   a  physical aid that strengthens or supports

Interpretive Media at Tioman Island

Assalamualaikum guys, today I want to share a little bit about my short vacation with my friends from Politeknik Metro Kuantan at Pulau Tioman for 3 days and 2 nights. Okay here we are not on vacation for having fun hehe we asssinged for completing a expedition project. This project was named  'Program Ekspedisi Pelancongan "Let's Go Green" @ Kampung Genting, Pulau Tioman, Pahang'.  INTERPRETIVE MEDIA Interpretive media is relevant media that provided by interpreter that can assists audients through visual to make their own rational and emotive connections   to resource connotations.   1. Personal Interpretation     Mr. Kelvin brief to us about marine life that live in coastal waters of Pulau Tioman . Miss Syuib is our tour guide here. She explain to us about usage of 'Buoyancy Aids' or known as safety jacket. We will use this safety jacket while we are snorkeling. 2. Printed and Graphic Interpretation Before we started Corporate Social Responsibility ( CS