Colour & Composition Elements in Visual Design

Hi there, today I want to share with you about colour & composition elements in visual design. 

Studying topic about colour is quite important in life, especially if your are editing photo, creating poster or even choosing colour for your home decor. 

While, composition is important because it shapes the viewer's experience of the artwork. Composition is a big part of what makes a piece eye-catching and dynamic, or calm and soothing, or disorienting and off-kilter.

Analogous Colour

• Analogous = similar / parallel.
• Adjacent colours in the colour wheel, e.g. yellow and green.
• Referred as a harmony colour.
• Has a soft and peace of mind effect.
• Often used in visual design.

Based on this chart, we can determine the analog colour by choosing the colour from their side. For example, I choose red colour, so the analog colour are on the left and right side of red colour, that's mean red violet and red orange are red's analog colour.

Complementary Colour

• Opposite each other in the colour wheel, e.g. blue, purple and yellow.
• If placed next to this colour, it will show a very real cons.
• E.g. yellow would stand out if placed above / next to the blue / purple and vice versa.

Warm and Cool Colour

Warm colours :

• Yellow, red & orange related blood, sun, gold and fire.

Cool colours :

• Purple, blue & green associated with mountains, trees, snow and ice.


• Refers to the quality of surface or touch objects - smooth (car body), rough (tree bark), soft (hair), etc.
• Texture can be felt if painted on canvas but in the photographic texture can not be felt.
• Therefore, texture in the photographs is due to the texture and the subject is further highlighted through    lighting techniques.



• Visual elements contained in a heavy frame.
• Large objects are usually more weight than small objects and dark objects are more weight than  light  objects.
• Element position also plays a critical role in which position in the middle is always described as a   balanced position.
• But balance can also be obtained if the heavier on the right, balance with the lighter on the left where the   position of the lighter should be far away from the midfield.

• One way to achieve balance is through symmetry.
• Landscape surface reflection on the calm waters is the best example of symmetry. Other like mirror effect.
• Reflection can also be translated on the canvas as “Rorschach Inkblot” used in psychological tests.

Positive and Negative Space

• Positive     = space has the look and shape.
• Negative   = empty space around the form and shape.
• Areas that do not have any form and shape is also an important element in the balance of the image.


• Repetitive elements.
• In photography, this repetition gives the reconstruction that is seen as relaxing & enjoyable.
• Reconstruction of the gentle rolling, making the point also highlights the following pattern.
• For more effective, the reconstruction also requires the same diversity as the reconstruction can be   boring.

Same rhythm = boring

Therefore, when searching for image composition, looks for repetitions varies. E.g. wooden fence that is  not the same shape and position, bent, broken, big or small would be interesting to see.

Rule of Third

• Image is divided into three sections horizontally and vertically.
• Boxes represent the positions of certain pictures, each box also has elements of colour and composition of   a distinctive visual design.
•' Rule of thirds' is the subject be placed on any third box.
• Subject is not necessarily placed in the third box, but can also be between the second and third box.
• However, it is up to the photographers have their own ideas for putting the subject.

That's all I could share with you about Colour & Composition elements in visual design. If you interested in this topic just feel free to let me know in comments section. 




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