
Showing posts from October, 2020

How To Add Gadget On Your Blog

                                         Hola amigos! Wait wait don't translate your page yet, it is Hi friends in Spanish and usually Spanish use this word for greeting. Let get straightforward, today I will show you the how to add gadget on your blog, don't worry I will explain this to you 100% in English. STEP 1 Go to your blog editing page, find and click on layout design on the left of your blog editing page . STEP 2 Your display will change as shown as below and then you must click on add gadget. STEP 3 When you click on add gadget, 26 type of gadget will appear but you should only choose one which is HTML/JavaScript .   STEP 4 When you click on HTML/JavaScript, the display will appear like this: STEP 5 Then, open new tab to find HTML/ JavaScript  for the gadget that you want  for example I  want to add clock on my blog. So I chose as my HTML/JavaScript generator. In this site, first of all you must select your country GMT which is for Malaysia is GMT+8. ST

Interpretive Talk

  Interpretive Talk and Presentation Techniques

How to Create Pages in Blog

  Assalamualaikum and hello there, here we meet again. This time, I will show you how to create pages in blog. It will takes several steps to get this done. I will share with you the print screen of my desktop to ease you to understand the step. Step 1 First of all, click  "Page"  on the left sides of your desktop. To create a new page, you must click on   "+New Page" . Step 2 Now, you can start insert your attractive content, In order to make your blog interesting and attractive, you can beautify it customize the font using the provided option, you can also insert the picture to make it more attractive. Step 3 After you all done inserting and decorate your content, don't forget to hit the publish button on the right side of the editing page on your desktop. Or if you are not confident enough of your edited content, you can hit the preview button to see how it will look and how the audiences see your page.  Step 4 Click on  "Layout"  on your left of yo

About Me

      'where there is love there is life' Assalamualaikum everyone, t oday I would like to introduce myself. M y name is Nurul Izzati Syahirah Binti Ibrahim. You can call me Eyra or Kakak. Nak panggil Jelita pun boleh. Heheheh :)  Saya ni baby March tau, saya lahir 28 March tahun takyah bagitau laa kot. Korang just perlu tahu yang saya berumur lingkungan 20-an je. Saya ada 6 orang adik beradik which is 5 perempuan dan seorang lelaki, yang paling best saya ada kembar tau, alhamdulillah saya bersyukur dikurniakan diorang sebagai keluarga saya. Sekarang saya sedang mengambil diploma pengurusan pelancongan di Politeknik Metro Kuantan. Premis pengajian kami terletak in the heart of Bandar Kuantan. Pada tahun 2021, saya akan menamatkan pengajian saya. Dan insya allah saya akan menamatkan zaman bujang saya jugak (hehehe gatal).  That's all from me, have a nice day :)

Cara - Cara Membuat Blog

  Step 1 Memilih blogging platform yang terbaik Sebelum korang peningkan kepala korang dengan design blog korang, pertama sekali korang perlu memilih blogging platform mana yang korang nak guna. Sebagai contoh, admin memilih . Kemudian klik pada butang  'Create Your Blog' Step 2   Tentukan profile anda If korang first time buat blog dekat korang diminta untuk tetapkan nama profile korang. Oh ya make sure korang ada account gmail tau.. Okay step ni korang bolehlah pilih nama gempak-gempak untuk blog korang. Nama ni boleh set sekali je tauu..  Kalau sebelum ni korang dah ada blog atau korang dah penah tetapkan nama profile, korang tak payah susah susah pilih nama dah korang just skip je ke langkah-3. Cemana nak terus ke langkah-3??  Senang je korang just klik 'Continue to Blogger' Step 3 Create new blog Haa bila dah klik ' Continue to Blogger'  dia akan keluar macam ni tauu.. Kat sini ada tiga perkara yang korang kena tetapkan. First se